Friday, July 18, 2008

The Blues

I had the opportunity to spend the past two days at a beach house in Anna Maria, Fla. covering a Venus swim wear shoot for the paper. (I will share those pictures with you later.) It was amazing fun and the people were so very kind. The reporter and I worked 27 hours in two days, yikes! but actually it didn't seem too much like work. I knew I would be editing down my shoot and three hours of video, so I didn't get the chance to pick up a camera today. On the way home there was this fantastic heat lightning storm, and I got excited about going home and capturing it.
I walked in the door, kidnapped my roommate (for gator watch), she grabbed the weakest flashlight, I got my camera and a tripod, and we ventured out to the dock behind our house, via the wooden path, knocking spider webs aside.
On the way back to the house I was so excited about the pictures. I quickly uploaded them, gave a select few a quick tone and was ready to share them. I glanced back at the original to compare my quick tone, and realized something... I think I went too far. My rudimentary toning ability actually could have crossed an ethical border. I worry a lot about at what point does one cross the toning ethical line. And I just looked back at some of Patrick Schneider's tones and realized mine was far more dramatic.
The dock pictures were shot at 10 F2.8 at 100ISO. I thought for fairness I would put up what I originally thought was a "good tone" and the original. Oh and by the way, we live right next to a Naval Air Station.


Anonymous said...

Lookin' good.

Emily Rose said...

oh darlin, those are so pretty. I want a print. Really bad. please?